Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Day 140 - Foxy Festival (Korean)

"Loose cannon Kwak Jang-bae (Shin Ha-kyun), a neighborhood policeman, is obsessed with his sexual prowess and continually wants to have sex with his live-in girlfriend, Ji-su (Uhm Ji-won), an English teacher at a private school who is bored with his macho behavior. Forthright high-school student Ju Ja-hye (Baek Jin-hee) sells her sweat-stained panties on the internet and wants to lose her virginity to scruffy fish-sausage seller Choi-kang Sang-du (Ryoo Seung-bum); the older man is uninterested in her advances but Ja-hye cannot work out why. Ja-hye's mother (Shim Hye-jin), who sells hanbok (traditional Korean female dress), discovers the owner of a hardware shop opposite, Gi-bong (Sung Dong-il), is into S&M and starts having sessions with him in the back of his shop, assuming a dominatrix role. Kim Gwang-rok (Oh Dal-su), Ja-hye's teacher, is a married man who is secretly into wearing women's clothes when his wife is not around. When Jang-bae discovers Ji-su has ordered a vibrator, he has a major crisis over his manhood and stops sleeping with her.Meanwhile, as his neighborhood has been marked for a moral clean-up campaign by the police, it's only time before Jang-bae also bumps heads with its denizens' licentious goings-on"

An interesting film about love, relationships and sex. How do you we overcome sexual frustration, age difference, sexual perversions and society's view on what normal is? The most interesting relationships in the film were with the student and the fish sausage seller. But there situation felt short and rushed towards the end. The film would have been better if this relationship was explored more. I happen to also enjoy the cop's and the student's teacher relationship. He had to overcome his sexual frustrations and try to be less of a pig towards his girlfriend. I like S&M as much as the next modern person but usually not with the girl being the dominant figure. Yet it was the dominatrix that said the most intelligent words in the film "What have I done wrong?". I suggest this film to those that enjoy South Korean comedies that have moments of sadness, realism, sex and rebelling against modern society's sexual ideas.


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