Saturday, May 10, 2014

Day 129 - Django Unchained (American)

The story is set in early winter and then spring, during the antebellum era of the Deep South with preliminary scenes taking place in Old West Texas. The film follows an African-American slave (Foxx), and an English-speaking, German bounty hunter posing as a traveling dentist (Waltz), named Dr. Schultz. In exchange for helping Schultz collect a large bounty on three outlaws (hiding-in-plain-sight in the south, working in the slave trade) that he has never seen – but Django has, while being trafficked – Schultz buys and then promises to free Django after they catch the outlaws the following spring. Schultz also promises to teach Django bounty hunting, and split the bounties with him, if Django assists him in hunting down other outlaws throughout the winter. Django agrees – on the condition that they also locate and free his long-lost wife (Washington) from her cruel plantation owner (DiCaprio)."-wiki
A truly entertaining movie from Quentin Tarantino, which features Christoph Waltz and Jamie Foxx. I happen to like Christoph Waltz ever since I saw Inglorious Bastards. I like his acting and timing as well as his personality. His characters are always entertaining and I enjoy seeing them. Honestly this is Jamie Foxx's best acting moment as he was actually quite decent in this film. He seemed like natural partner with Christoph which made it fun to watch the two characters develop. Also Leonardo DiCaprio was truly wonderful in this film, he should have won best actor. Anyway this film features a lot of blood shed and subjects to think about while filmed in a way that only Tarantino can do. I suggest you watch this movie as it is the best one I've seen in a while.

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