Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Day 102 - Outrage (Japanese)

"The film begins with a sumptuous banquet at the opulent estate of the Grand Yakuza leader Sekiuchi (Soichiro Kitamura), boss of the Sanno-kai, a huge organized crime syndicate controlling the entire Kanto region, and he has invited the many Yakuza leaders under his control. After the formal conclusion of the banquet, Kato, the chief lieutenant of Sekiuchi, pulls one of the Yakuza leaders, Ikemoto, aside and makes plain that he is displeased with the news that Ikemoto has become friendly with a rival gang leader, Murase, while the two were unexpectedly imprisoned together. Kato orders Ikemoto to bring the unassociated Murase-gumi gang in line, and he immediately passes the task on to his subordinate Otomo (Beat Takeshi), who runs his own crew."

What a wonderful film, I enjoyed it a lot. Takeshi Kitano proves that he is a worth director, writer, editor, and actor. The best character is no hold downs Otomo played by Beat Takeshi aka Takeshi Kitano. His character is that of an old yakuza that is respectful of the past and the younger people tend to look up to him. Sadly though the yakuza betray Otomo and his gang. Which leads a bloody one sided war that takes the life of all the members of the Otomo gang. This is also the best gangster film I have seen in a long time, he didn't make the characters one sided like people tend to do. He gives the gangster a heart like a civilian. That is something to admire which makes his films even better. I'm glad there was a sequel to this film as I wanted to see more of Otomo.


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