Thursday, March 13, 2014

Day 71 - A Clockwork Orange (British/American-1971)

"Alex (Malcolm McDowell), the main character, is a charismatic, sociopathic delinquent whose interests include classical music (especially Beethoven), rape, and what is termed "ultra-violence". He leads a small gang of thugs (Pete, Georgie, and Dim), whom he calls his droogs (from the Russian друг, "friend", "buddy"). The film chronicles the horrific crime spree of his gang, his capture, and attempted rehabilitation via controversial psychological conditioning. Alex narrates most of the film in Nadsat, a fractured adolescent slang composed of Slavic (especially Russian), English, and Cockney rhyming slang."

Truly a wonderful film that I fell in love with! It was nothing like I imagined it was going to be. It was a thrill to see how the story developed and the genius of the characters unfold. Kubrick really did a great job with this film, from the characters to the story. It was so fun to watch though I suggest you watch it if you like violent movies. Though this film features rape and a lot of graphic violence that some people couldn't imagine. There's a lot of nudity from male to female, so be warned about that. Also the music is so wonderfully done you will laugh at the way it has been down. The best character is Alex, he was such a wonder to watch. He is a character that is timeless, I can still see him about to rape a woman while singing "singing in the rain".
If you like Rob Zombie, then you most likely will like this film.


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