Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Day 64 - 2001:Space Odyssey (British/American -1968)

"The story deals with a series of encounters between humans and mysterious black monoliths that are apparently affecting human evolution, and a voyage to Jupiter tracing a signal emitted by one such monolith found on the Moon. The film is frequently described as an epic, both for its length and scope, and for its affinity with classical epics.[2][3]"

This movie was so hard to get through, I fell a sleep a few times. It has a lot of boring moments that don't really do anything. There are some good moments but the rest is kind of bad. A lot of people have parodied this movie and those movies were better. I suggest you watch this If you want to see a "drug" movie or how all the special effects were made with a photography technique. They say it takes more than one time to understand this film. I will never give it the chance, I have no interest whatsoever.


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