Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Day 328 - Island Etude (Taiwanese)

"A film about an aurally handicapped college student who grabs his bike, backpack, and guitar and goes on a 7-day, 6-night round-the-island tour. On the way he discovers the natural and cultural beauty of Taiwan and during his encounters with different people he is exposed to local arts, folk customs, approaches to environmental protection, traditional family values, and a host of other cultural enlightenments"
A visually beautifully film with limited talking from the main character and a natural supporting cast. Most of the people in the film are not actually actors but they made the movie even better with the natural feeling they gave off. It may not be the best movie but it makes it quite enjoyable when you have all these natural things present in the film. The dialogue is realistic which makes the talking scenes even better. This is the type of film someone who have never seen Taiwan would love because you get to the wonderful scenery present in the country.

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