Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Day 311 - Machine Gun Preacher (American)

Machine Gun Preacher Poster.jpg

"Although the film centers on Childers, it starts off with a scene in South Sudan, where the LRA are attacking a village. This opening scene is placed into context later in the film. Childers was an alcoholic drug-using biker from Pennsylvania. On his release from prison, he finds that his wife has given up her job as a stripper, because she has since become a Christian. Eventually, after he almost kills a vagrant the night before, his wife persuades him to go to church with her, where he is eventually converted." -wiki

What a let down! Gerald Butler is doing an action film once again but with poor direction and a bad script lead this film to give off a very dull feeling. His dramatic acting wasn't that good either but that could also be because of the poor direction. Nothing about this film is really inspiring or entertaining. This film was directed by Marc Forster who recently directed World War Z, but this is a bad mark on his directing portfolio. I suggest you skip this film even if you are a Butler fan.


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