Friday, November 21, 2014

Day 323 - House on Haunted Hill (American)

The House On Haunted Hill.jpg
"The film is set in an abandoned asylum. The head of the facility, Dr. Richard B. Vannacutt (Jeffrey Combs), had performed grotesque experiments on the patients, killing many in the process. The hospital was closed in 1931 after the patients escaped from their cells, killing the entire staff (except five who were not present) and setting fire to the hospital. Vannacutt had rigged the building with numerous iron gates, activated by cranks and levers that can not be reset for twelve hours, to keep patients from escaping. He closed the gates during the fire, dooming the patients and himself to death. Decades later, during reconstruction of the facility, several unexplained deaths result in the building being dubbed "The House on Haunted Hill".-wiki
Such a bad movie that one should expect in a modern horror movie with an ensemble cast. There was really no flavor to this movie it trying so hard to be different from the original movie that it failed to be even half as good. There was just a sense of poor acting all around that it kind of made the movie almost unwatchable. I suggest you skip this remake.

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