Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Day 173 - The Returned (Spainsh/Canadian)

"In the 1980s, a zombie plague spreads worldwide and causes the deaths of an estimated 100 million people. An unprecedented amount of research goes into finding a cure, but the resulting medicine requires a daily doses to be effective. If the infected miss even a single dose, they quickly and irrevocably degenerate to a feral state. As the formula can only be extracted from dead feral zombies, there are constant rumors that the supplies will run out. Infected humans, called "the returned", are subject to discrimination and violence from bigoted and fearful humans."

A decent thriller if you're in the mood for a slow paced boring film. There is a message in the film but its not fully expressed in the film. There are a few holes in the plot that I find distracting. I won't suggest you watch this film unless you are having a boring night.


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