"In the future, wealthy industrialists rule the vast city of Metropolis from high-rise tower complexes, while a lower class of underground-dwelling workers toil constantly to operate the machines that provide its power. The Master of Metropolis is the ruthless Joh Fredersen (Alfred Abel), whose son Freder (Gustav Fröhlich) idles away his time in a pleasure garden with the other children of the rich. Freder is interrupted by the arrival of a young woman named Maria (Brigitte Helm), who has brought a group of workers' children to see the privileged lifestyle led by the rich. Maria and the children are quickly ushered away, but Freder is fascinated by Maria and descends to the workers' city in an attempt to find her."
It is an 2 and a half hour black and white German film. It inspired the creation R2D2 from Star Wars and is considered one of the best films made.
I don't agree it have has really nice parts but some of the actors moves were too hectic and all over the place when they didn't need to be. The "man machine" in the film was really nicely designed and I enjoy several pieces of architecture that they created for the film. Also the mad scientists was really nice but could have been better. Several characters were introduced but they continue with most of them. They could have more depth to the story, you would think that a 2 and a half movie will actually have more depth.
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